The Gallery

This week’s Gallery courtesy of Tara Cain at Sticky Fingers is body parts. Tara runs a Gallery each week where she gives a prompt, it could be one word, an object, an idea, a phrase, anything, and you have to post a picture which you feel represents that prompt.
Post it on your blog and write about it that’s it. For more Gallery pics, pop over to

This is my representation of body parts –

Most of you won’t know this, but my Husband would prefer that I do not put pictures of our Daughters on Twitter or my Blog. He does not like the idea that the masses have access to our nearest and dearest. So here is what you get to see..
Picture one, is my beautiful Daughter, who we nickname Dolly, she has the most gorgeous, green / blue eyes and thick long eyelashes, she will never need mascara! She was only 8 weeks old here and is now a gorgeous feisty 3 year old! The lashes have grown with age!
The second is my Daughter, who we like to call Bubalicious or Bubs for short, I love her chubby little hand! She’s 9 months old and had me up 5 times last night πŸ™‚ I hope you enjoy the small glimpse of what I get to squish each and every day.

About yorkshiremummy

Born and Raised in Yorkshire, Now at Large in North America. Working Wife and Mum of 2. Occasionally sarcastic, Often inappropriate, but always real! Having snorkeled with sharks in the Maldives, ridden an Elephant in Sri Lanka, swum in an underground river in Mexico and played with Lion cubs in South Africa, currently enjoying the crazy adventure of motherhood!
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8 Responses to The Gallery

  1. fiddledidee says:

    Two beautiful babies…so glad you were allowed to share these. Thanks!

  2. Kate says:

    Aww, it’s lovely to see them for a change. I love kids eyelashes – I wish they would stick around when we got a bit bigger. And baby hands, there’s been loads of them today, all different shapes and sizes and all cute as a button.

  3. LauraCYMFT says:

    What lovely pictures, gorgeous eyelashes. Babies always have such lovely eyelashes, my 2 have thick long lashes, unlike me! So jealous!

  4. JallieDaddy says:

    Great photos. They look like beautiful children you have there.

    I didn’t know you had a daughter about the same age as our twins! 10 months now. Ours were having a lot of trouble sleeping through around November / December too, they’re sleeping much better now πŸ™‚

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